Turbulence and Reactive Flow Simulation Laboratory

Welcome to the Turbulence and Reactive Flow Simulation Laboratory (TARFS-Lab)! 

TARFS-Lab is led by Dr. Antonio Attili and is part of the Institute for Multiscale Thermofluids in the School of Engineering of the University of Edinburgh.

We develop and utilise advanced computational tools to gain fundamental understanding of complex multi-scale and multi-physics problems, broadly relevant to energy production and propulsion, and to formulate high-fidelity reduced models applicable in industrial design. We focus on turbulence, reactive and multi-phase flows with engineering applications that inlcude gas-turbines, jet engines, reciprocating engines, rockets.  

Direct Numerical Simulation of a Turbulent Methane Flame
Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) of a Turbulent Premixed Methane Flame